Over the last several months, the Chamber has added several new team members to the organization. We would like to introduce you to these team members.
Meet Justin Johnson, our Communications and Marketing Director. Justin joined the Chamber this past February.
In this role, Justin is responsible for developing communication strategies and promoting our events, programs, and mission to the entire community.
Learn more about Justin in our Q&A below.
Where did you work previously before your role here at the Chamber?
For the last 15 years, I have worked in education in some capacity, starting in higher education at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts in Philadelphia, then after moving to Lancaster County in 2010, shifting to secondary schools K-12. For the last 9 years, I had the privilege of working for the Eastern Lancaster County School District (Garden Spot) in the Superintendent’s Office.
What do you love most about Lancaster County?
What I love most about Lancaster County is how much the art community has been involved in and dedicated to the advancement of the culture, diversity, and inclusion over the last 10-15 years. As an artist myself, it has been an honor to be a part of this journey and watch as Lancaster County’s culture continues to develop and grow.
What is your spirit animal?
- I would say my spirit animal would have to be a bird, more specifically a small, perching bird like a finch or songbird.
Favorite quote?
- “And if we cannot end now our differences, at least we can help make the world safe for diversity. For, in the final analysis, our most basic common link that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children’s future. And we are all moral.” – John F. Kennedy
Favorite Movie?
- I am a self-proclaimed Star Wars nerd and will happily watch any Star Wars franchise film on repeat (except episodes 1,2,&3), however, Empire Strikes Back & Rogue One are my absolute favorites and I will watch anytime I get the chance.
Favorite Book?
- I love to read and have too many favorite books that I couldn’t just name one, but I do have some favorite authors: Michael Critchon, Eion Colfer, V.E. Schwab, Jane Austen… just to name a few.
Most used app on your phone?
- As aforementioned, I love to read, but also love storytelling, so naturally have always gravitated towards audiobooks. I am constantly using the app, Libby, to download books to listen to from the local library, to help find new potential authors or books, or even download and revisit old favorites.
3 words that best describe you?
- Empathetic, Creative, & Resourceful
Dream travel destination
- I have a dream to visit the Netherlands, not only for the amazing Dutch culture & food, but there is a very certain painting called The Goldfinch by an artist from the 1700s named Carl Fabritius located at the museum, Mauritshuis The Hague, that is on my bucket list to see in person.
What inspires you?
- People and Words. I am always surprised and inspired by the innovation of humanity and their overall willingness to adjust and adapt. I also find that all it takes is one single word or phrase a person may say that will incite my brain on a cognitive spiral “down the rabbit hole” that can create a spark for a grand idea.
What makes you laugh?
- It doesn’t take much to make me laugh. It could be a simple knock-knock joke or a complete physical comedy skit that could set me off. Fun fact, I am also very ticklish, so laughter is always right at the surface for me.
Any hidden talents?
- I can make a pretty good macaron.
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