On January 1, 2000 I received the honor of my lifetime by beginning my tenure as President of the Lancaster Chamber. And, if you recall, facing my first “crisis” with Y2K!
From then until now, I have enjoyed every minute of my service to the Chamber as I have been overwhelmingly fortunate to have worked with outstanding staff members, amazing Board members, phenomenal volunteers and the best damned business community in the United States!
It has truly been my pleasure to serve and I cannot thank each and every one of you enough for your ongoing support. To say I’ve enjoyed “my run” is a tremendous understatement.
Yet, eventually, all good runs come to an end and, today, I am announcing that the end for me as President/CEO of the Lancaster Chamber will be June, 2022.
While we are still a good nine months away from “Good Bye” (although, to be clear, I have no plans to leave the area!….who ever would?!), I am compelled to make this announcement now so the Chamber can begin an appropriate process to select the next leader. A news release with further details on the search process can be found here.
Please know, however, that as I announce my pending exit, I am reminded of the wise words of one of my first bosses/mentors, Governor Dick Thornburgh. As he was nearing the end of his second term, people would often ask him if he was glad to be “winding down” with his service as Governor. Thornburgh, always quick with a comeback and always passionate about the work-at-hand, would answer, “I’ll be winding up, as there is much work to be done.”
In that light, I intend to “wind up” with a vengeance over the next nine months as we embrace a new, three-year strategic plan, continue to advocate for issues of critical importance to the business community and celebrate the Chamber’s 150th anniversary year!
Plenty on my plate, plenty to be grateful for and plenty appreciative of all the support and engagement you’ve provided me over these past two decades.
Again, thank you for the honor of a lifetime.
–Tom Baldrige, President & CEO of the Lancaster Chamber
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